Ferrets & Pocket Pet Care
Services for non-traditional pets.
We have more than 20 years of experience treating small mammals including ferrets, rabbits guinea pigs, chinchillas, and pocket pets. We provide veterinary care that is both “state-of-the-art” and “state-of-the-heart” with an emphasis on caring for both the patient and the family.
Ferret, Rabbit & Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery
We own or access the most advanced medical diagnostic and treatment equipment and techniques available in veterinary medicine today. We regularly treat ferrets, rabbits and small mammals with gastrointestinal disease, dental disease, bladder disease and stones, and adrenal gland disease. Additionally, we perform both outpatient routine surgeries such as spays and neuters as well as more advanced procedures such as adrenal gland removals, tumor removals, bladder stone removals, treatment of dental disease, and blood analysis.
We perform diamond bur and diamond disc crown reductions and smoothing procedures, as well as dental extractions when indicated. Dentals are performed using specialized dental instruments designed specifically for rabbits and small rodents.
Nutritional Products
These include hays, pelleted diets, and critical care diets.
Whether you want to discuss how you can create a comfortable habitat for your pets or you have questions about what to feed them, we’re here to help.
If you have questions about how we can help you best care for your pocket pet, call us at (314) 434-4300 to schedule a consultation.